
Fruit World Limited's dedication to excellence shines through in our meticulous approach to every aspect of our investments. We strive for top-notch performance, delivering value to our investors, and achieving sustainable growth in our portfolio sectors. Our unwavering pursuit of excellence ensures that they continuously raise the bar, setting a high standard for the industry.


Innovation is the engine that drives progress, and Fruit World Limited recognizes this fundamental truth. By actively seeking new solutions and technologies, we position ourselves at the forefront of the industries. Our commitment to innovation not only enhances our competitive edge but also contributes to the advancement of the sectors they invest in, fostering growth and adaptation to ever-changing market dynamics.


Integrity is the foundation of trust, and Fruit World Limited places a premium on upholding the highest ethical standards. Our commitment to transparency and ethical conduct builds strong relationships with partners, clients, and stakeholders. This unwavering integrity not only safeguards our reputation but also assures investors that their interests are protected, making Fruit World Limited a reliable and trustworthy investment platform.

How It Works
Successful Investment in 4 Steps

About Us

Our core values shape every facet of our operations
Fruit World Limited is a global investment company, registered at 51 Florabunda Lane, Wedderburn New South Wales, Australia on the 21th day of April 2020. We are committed to fostering prosperity across a diverse spectrum of industries—Agriculture, Oil & Gas, and Stock Trading. Fruit World Limited is not just an investment firm; we are architects of opportunity, dedicated to shaping a world of sustainable growth, energy security, and financial success. Fruit World Limited's investments transcend financial returns; they represent a commitment to shaping a better world. We measure our success by the growth and sustainability of the industries we invest in, the security of energy resources, and the prosperity of nations.
  • Audit & Assurance
  • Dedicated Team
  • Best Advisors
  • Network Solutions
  • 24/7 Supports
  • Steady Profit
Get Started

Our businesses

Price Plan

Bronze Top

2% / Daily
  • minimum: $50.00
  • maximum: $4,999.00
  • percentage: 2%
  • duration: Weekly
  • interval: Daily
  • referral bonus: 10%
Selcet Now

Silver Top

2.5% / Daily
  • minimum: $5,000.00
  • maximum: $19,999.00
  • percentage: 2.5%
  • duration: Weekly
  • interval: Daily
  • referral bonus: 10%
Selcet Now


3% / Daily
  • minimum: $20,000.00
  • maximum: $49,999.00
  • percentage: 3%
  • duration: Weekly
  • interval: Daily
  • referral bonus: 10%
Selcet Now


4% / Daily
  • minimum: $50,000.00
  • maximum: $1,000,000.00
  • percentage: 4%
  • duration: Weekly
  • interval: Daily
  • referral bonus: 10%
Selcet Now

Our Clients Reviews

Some FAQ’s

  • How to create account?
    The first step towards using our platform is to create account, click on "get started" button, then fill the form and submit, your account will be created.
  • How to fund account?
    To fund your account, login to you account dashboard, click on "finance", then on "new deposit", fill the form and proceed to payment. After payment, copy your transaction hash, paste in the transaction id feild and submit
  • How to make investment?
    At the time of funding your account, they system will ask you to select investment plan. After funding your account, the system will make an automated investment on your behalf based on the plan you selected.

Our Statistics Skill Rate

This product is meant for educational purposes only. Resemblance to real persons, living or dead is coincidental.
Strategy & Analysis
Eeconomic Growth
Achieves Goals

Alexander Patel

Head Of Operations

Sophia Reynolds

Head Of Marketing

Our Certification